Saturday, June 6, 2009

Deadline Set!

I've decided the 1st draft of KIT will be done on 7/31/09!
That was the date I set for LURE I last year, and I finished within a week of that, so I may as well make the end of July my deadline date again.
So far the story is going through the usual "what the hell happens next" stage.
I have already written several major events and am in the process of connecting them. I can already see where certain plot elements in the story will need development in the second draft, but that is actually awesome. After all, LURE was pretty thin after the first draft. It wasn't until a few more rewrites that it became a story worth turning into a series (that wasn't the original plan).
Sooo, Let's see what KIT turns out to be.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Kit project is still going strong. Got another chapter hammered out. Thinking about incorporating my fear of candy apples into it----yikes. Creeps me out just to think of how that would roll. Yeah, it's weird, but what can I say?
Don't know if I'm going to bring chapter one of Kit to critique yet. It may still be a bit too scattered. But it may be worth a go-through. Website's been tweeked and updated. I really dig it!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Came back from Vegas yesterday. Had a blast! Couldn't stop writing, though. Kept having to pull out my trusty note pad and jot down ideas for my projects. I added plot elements for LURE III, OTHERS, KIT, DECOMPOSER (even though it's done), as well as two new story ideas.
Gonna put everything in the computer tonight and outline stuff out to keep it organized or else everything will get lost in the shuffle and disappear into lost idea land. I can't even begin to tell of the innumerable ideas that I've had--and swore I'd right down "later"--have ended up in lost idea land.
Hmmmmmmm, there's a story in there somewhere.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

more writing

Last night I cranked out ten more pages of KIT. Sweet! The broad, chunky outline has now been laid out and I'm gonna put more meat on the bones over the next week. Taking the next few days to do more reading--going away for the weekend.
I'm curious to see how this project works out becuase I'm approaching it in a completely different way. I usually write pretty chronologically, not this time. I'm all over the place. I have the very beginning scenes, the very end scenes, cool trippy scenes that build tension, and the scenes that lead to the climax. I've written Twenty pages worth of that. If you were to read the piece as a whole it would be very disjointed, but I'm really pleased with it. It is my permitted "shitty first draft." :)
Yeeeeah baby!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last night I put aside LURE II to start work on a new horror story--the working title is KIT. I got the idea during last night's critique. I'm on fire about it. I'm hoping to crank out a draft within the next thrity days. A tall order, but it's all in my head and I have to get it out.
Last night I cranked out ten pages. Let's see what tonight brings. Thanks, Donna!

The web site has been tweaked and updated. Jeff Vogel is a bitchen artist/ web designer! I'd recommend him to anyone.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last night I dreamt of Rick Ocasik from the Cars. Why? Who the hell knows. I have one Cars album--wasn't a big fan--yet the human bottle brush was in my dream.
I swear I wasn't on anything.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fastest rejection in the west!

I got an email from an agent requesting Lure, Decomp., and the first three chapters of SC. I was totally stoked and took a week to comb through everything and send it out. I mailed it on a Monday afternoon from California to New York. I was told it would take 2-3 days to get there, which would be Wednesday at the earliest.

On Thursday afternoon (11:00 am NY time) I got a two sentence email rejection. That would mean the agent had my stuff for less than 24 hours.

At first I was dumbfounded, then I was pissed, now I think it's funny.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Been editing LURE I (again) for the past few weeks. Five critiques surround me as I go through the manuscript page by page. Each person gives a unique perspective--unless something really sucks-then they all strike through it. My critique group is bitchen! I can tell you with unwavering certainty that my book would NOT be what it is without them.

It is painstakaing work, a real pain in the arse, but necessary. This is the invisible stuff that we writers go through that nobody sees. The hours of toiling over a chapter--a paragraph--a sentence, picking through details and making sure there are no loose ends (that are unintended), and going through the HELL of fixing a "find and replace" that screwed up the whole manucript (if you know what I'm talking about you probably did it too--I'm with ya brother).

Book II is underway , almost to the halfway point, and IV is oulined completely and started as well. III is still in my head, but I pretty much know where it's going.

A new website is in developement.

Things are rockin'