Friday, January 15, 2010

Seven Months

So I've started working toward my writing goals with a fire in my belly. Been working every day on a manuscript, six to ten pages a day so far this week. Funny thing is, this story ISN'T one of the ones listed in my new years resolution list. No big, though, this story, working title SEVEN MONTHS, is already finished in my head, so I'm just spitting it out piece by piece.

I got a digital voice recorder for Christmas and I've been using it to throw down my thoughts about the manuscript. It's a great resource and really helps save ideas that would otherwise be lost forever. How many times have you had an awesome plot idea and swore you'd write it down when you got to it, only to find you forgot what you were thinking? I've done that a bazillion times.

I'm hoping to crank out a first draft by March. At the rate I'm working now it should happen, even with days off.

Hope you're working toward your writing goals. I heard from another writer once that a page a day is a book a year, when I about it that way and work toward finishing my projects scene by scene, goals go from a far off dream to attainable.

I'd love to hear your comments and writing prorgress so far this year, so drop me a comment.


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